Please Consider Donating to CSAC

The Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center relies solely on the donations of generous members of our community - everyday folks who believe in saving as many Wigglebutts as possible.  Our adoption fees do not cover the costs for the vetting fees we pay to ensure our rescues are as healthy as possible before they move on to a foster or forever home.  And sometimes, we rescue the hard cases that require immediate, extensive care before they can move on to become the happy pups they deserve to be. Please consider becoming a Cocker Advocate. If one particular pup tugs at your heart strings then consider Sponsoring a Wigglebutt or contribute to a Wigglebutt in Need. If you would like to honor a special Cocker Spaniel lover in your life, please visit our Honor Certificate page. Not only is it a great way to donate to CSAC; but also, it is a great way to honor someone in a special way. There are many ways you can effortlessly contribute - for the dogs.

As with all donations to the Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law; please consult your tax advisor for details.